Welcome to The Love Strong Store

New Love Strong Gear!

We’ve launched a new line of products & designs. We’ve got headwear, jackets, and shirts so far, and more on the way!

*Don’t be fooled by the thumbnails
Most products come in multiple colors and sizes.

Our Approach

We believe in transformation through connection.

The Meaning In The Logo

Our logo embodies it all. We hope you experience a mighty and peace-filled transformation. Sometimes that requires the faith to reach out, like in our Love Strong icon. But once you take that first step of faith, pure goodness will engulf you.

Our Name: We were meticulous in honing a name to represent our intension and energy. This is the ultimate goal, to "Love Strong". The two words together further represent a balance of feminine then masculine traits.

Our Colors: The colors are displayed in a gradient often seen in the beautiful combination of our favorite metaphors, Dawn + Sunrise. This transformation is a key process we look to emulate in our work. Here, too, masculine and feminine are represented in a harmony of warmth & cool, bright & deep, strong & gentle.

Our Icon: The icon is comprised of 3 circles. Imagine the center circle as a head and the lower crescent representing the arms of a body reaching for light (the upper crescent). Notice the gradient's brightest colors begin at the "heart" of the person in the icon. It's possible that this icon evolves with time into 3 perfectly aligned concentric circles filled with light.

Our Fonts: The fonts have been modified with the following symbolic adjustments. "Love" has more curves. "Strong" is emboldened. The "T" is in the shape of a forge hammer. The "R" has a tear drop in it. Maybe you caught these already!

Our Slogan: "Experience Therapy" was designed as a double entendre. As we've dug deeper into the healing and growth process, we've learned it takes a combination of the two. We hope you experience therapy. We also know that it requires both, "Experience" and "Therapy" to become something new.

Come immerse yourself in the process with us.

Get in Touch

If you would like to collaborate or have any inquiries, please provide some details, and we will get back to you soon. We look forward to connecting!